My 80th Birthday Garden party

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Most people are amazed when I tell them my age but I really was 80 this June and to celebrate I held a garden party on Saturday 22nd June (my birthday was actually the next day). But besides my age, I wanted to celebrate the completion of much of the work on the renovation of my home and a significant part of my garden. I also wished to show off the mural I had completed on my garage wall. All off which I’m pleased to say was well received.

At the Beach before the party
At the Beach before the party
The mural I painted on the garage wall

For the party I had a gazebo in the garden in which I had display boards showing some photos of how the building had looked when I acquired it in 2012, the work in transforming it (much of it by myself) from what was partly a barn into my present home and the work on the garden. Most of the work on the garden had been done in the last 12 months, including decking, a paved area and a pond with an ornate bridge. Everyone seemed to be most impressed by the garage mural which I had only finished painting a few weeks previously. Not bad considering I had not done any art painting before.

Display boards
The display boards showing history of work on the property

I was very pleased by the number of my friends who responded to my invitation to come to my party (some of them from quite significant distances). I actually had 31 on my guest list so I was praying for a fine day as it would have been very crowded if we all had to remain indoors. But I needn’t have worried as the day was fine, a few guests did not make it and some of the guests did not turn up until later after some of the early arrivals had already left. So we had a good manageable number throughout the party time. A few even arrived before the scheduled start of 3pm and stayed until we wound up late that evening.

Tim, Yasmine, Martine & Claudine
Tim, Yasmine, Martine & Claudine
Photo by Dave

I was very touched by all the well wishes, birthday cards, flowers, presents, and bottles of booze that were given to me. A lot was drunk at the party and I still have quite a few bottles of bubbly over to enjoy later. The buffet which included hot pizza went down well, so much so that I wonder if there had been enough. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves mostly in the garden until quite late when those that remained came inside, chatting in the kitchen and watching the music videos in the lounge.

Janella & Nina being photographed by Dave
Janella & Nina being photographed by Dave

Quite a few said they are looking forward to my 81st so it looks like there could be a demand for this to become an annual thing. Well, if that is what a good number of you want, so be it! I certainly enjoyed it.

Many thanks to David Edwards who took many of the photos at the Party

Click on an image below to see a slideshow of pics taken at the party

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  • Comment Link Liane jones. Sunday, 07 July 2019 04:27 posted by Liane jones.

    Many happy returns, sorry you didn't get the award, you should have, you deserved one..!!! Looks like you had a great party. My loss..!!!! Cheers from many more.

  • Comment Link Wendy Morris Sunday, 07 July 2019 06:16 posted by Wendy Morris

    Hi Martine
    Sorry I couldn't make it had a previous appointment which I could not get out of.
    I can see you had a great time and hope Jasmin Stock passed on my message and best wishes

  • Comment Link Emma LaVenda Sunday, 07 July 2019 13:16 posted by Emma LaVenda

    A Very Happy 80th Birthday!
    I met you many years ago at the old house in Pontefract and have admired the work you have done for the Trans Community over many years. Thank you Martine for helping me realise the lady that I am today.

    Emma LaVenda xx

  • Comment Link Mary Mann Monday, 08 July 2019 10:04 posted by Mary Mann

    I think you look absolutely amazing, I wish I was a little like you. Wishing you lots of love, Mary xx

  • Comment Link Natalie Thursday, 11 July 2019 09:40 posted by Natalie

    Hi Martine, happy birthday. I agree, you are looking great. Bet you don't feel anything like 80 either.
    I'm really sorry that I didn't get around to doing a nomination for you. as I intended to. If there are awards next year, I will definitely nominate you then.

  • Comment Link Katie (kevin thompson ) Saturday, 22 August 2020 09:28 posted by Katie (kevin thompson )

    Happy Birthday (belateted 2020)
    Hi Matine,
    It's beena while since we last spoke in 2009 by the way it's kevin and sheila thompson my femenine Name (katie) we had a dog called Rambo we used to come to Mill hill in pontefract when chris was there sadley our dog Rambo past a year later in 2010
    I'm wrightting to you as i found your blog by accident as i new that Raprtee had finished in 2018 and was on line line then but never got round to it i won't take up this blog i will send you a email soon
    any way Happy belated birthday
    Kevin and Sheila (aka Katie)

  • Comment Link Bernadette Dowsland Tuesday, 12 September 2023 21:50 posted by Bernadette Dowsland

    Hi Martine
    Remember me Bernadette from Goole. The last time we met was at a hotel gathering in Scarborough and loads of times at your parties in the 80's. Well done for looking so good at eighty, I hope I look as good when i'm eighty in ten years time. If I had known I would have sent you a card but it's a bit belated now.
    All the best


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