I'm a Lady!

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I really am a Lady. I am legally entitled to us the title "Lady Martine Rose" as I have been made a "Lady of Glencoe" ... and I have a certificate to prove it.

I own a square foot of land somewhere near this spot in Glencoe Wood
I own a square foot of land somewhere near this spot in Glencoe Wood

It is actually possible to buy plots of land from as little as one square foot in the Nature Reserve of Glencoe Wood, Scotland, from a company called Highland Titles. Along with the ownership of the plot, you can take the title of Lord, Laird or Lady of Glencoe and are given a Deed Poll document so that you can legally change your name to include your new title. My good friend Maxine got all this for me as a birthday gift in June 2017.

By selling souvenir plots in their nature reserves, Highland Titles are beginning the process of reversing centuries of damage done to land by poor farming and forestry practices. They are removing non-native trees and replacing them with native Scottish trees. As they mature, the natural flora and fauna will return. Active conservation and management plans include the creation of new wetland, wild-flower meadows and control of invasive plants such as bracken and rhododendron.

Perhaps one day I'll go to Glencoe to see my square foot of land, if I can find it! It's beautiful country so it'll be very well worth a visit anyway.

Lady Martine Rose

Read 5227 times Last modified on Thursday, 16 January 2020 18:45